Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ludum Dare 28 Results Are In!

A Weird Love Game Ratings:


This was my third time entering Ludum Dare but it was my first time entering by myself. The Game I made is called A Weird Love Game and is actually my worst rated game yet.

With that being said I was barely able to get my act together to release anything at all. And my game received a lot more comments than I expected and almost all of them were positive. Plus I think my game made an interesting statement and just about everybody got the point. :)

Previous Entry Ratings:

Here are the ratings for my previous entries just to get some perspective. On these other game I worked with some friends. I received some help programming as well with art and music.

Ludum Dare 25 | Bunnie


Ludum Dare 26 | Potato



It's probably noteworthy that every time I've entered Ludum Dare I used a language that I was relatively new to me. I've been having trouble finding a good language to stick to. I'm currently working with HTML5 and it's looking very promising. It seems to be view highly as the future or whatever and I've seen some impressive game made with it. Anywho, I hope to stick with it. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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