I've been missing game Jams... and I've been really wanting to make games. So I'm gonna do the Ludum Dare next weekend even if it kills me. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
I've kinda been in between languages. Before I was using AS3 + Flixel to make my games... which was great! :D Unfortunately, AS3 seems to be dying and no one wants to work with me in it. :<
I was looking at a few programs like Unity 4.3 and Game Maker but a drag and drop interface doesn't seem like something that would be very pleasant to work with.
So, enter Javascript. I'm slightly familiar with Javascript, although I don't know it as well as something like PHP. It does look promising for game development. It was scary at first because it's an interpreted language. But Google Chrome's console and tools like Visual Studio make it seem better to work with. I have also been looking at libraries like Crafty, ImpactJS and Ludus...
Anyways, I hope to complete a fairly decent game for this upcoming Ludum Dare and I'm excited to play any other games that come out of it.
Oh, and feel free to bug me on Twitter. @_dmitrix
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